Author Dr Mike Ihezuo

has authored several books, among which include, but are not limited to, these on this shop.


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Dare Be A Success: Develop Success Mentality And Succeed.

Success is a universal desire. Everyone in every race and time yearns for success in one form or the other in his/her entire endeavour. Interestingly all have equal opportunities to succeed or fail in life. Incidentally, very few are bothered about what to do to succeed. Minute number pays the price for success to get the prize. You are created a success, for success and to succeed. Success is your birthright; make it ultimately happen to you. Success begins with a fellow’s desire and will to succeed. I can’t leave the 21st century unannounced.

I have been conscripted in this success battle. Join me let us go.

N600, $1, 104 pages.

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Dream Never Dies, It Fades, Refire And Live Your Dream

Dream Never Dies … illumines, inspires and reveals to you what happens to dreams, how to dream, how perverse dreams can be, how not to make dreams linger, how to make dreams come true, etc. Having a dream is inherent in being human. What is your dream? What do you imagine yourself doing? What do you want to accomplish? Are you doing really what you want to do with your life? Never expect anything less than the highest thing you could go after. Don’t let people tell you, “You shouldn’t have high expectations”. Dream BIG. No matter how challenging it gets, don’t give up, because your dream is to fulfil your life’s purpose. This book is more than gold.

N500, $1, 110pages

Limited Stock 

The Times You Are Livin’ In: Living Successfully In 21st Century

The rate of change is becoming alarmingly critical that yesterday know-how & thinking is insufficient to see anyone through – impart-making, value-adding or successful. Achieving this calls for the right keys; self-discovery, committed passion, spirit of excellence & fervency, new rules, today’s knowledge and thinking, lifetime learning, innovative ideas, creativity, the right attitude, upgraded & sharpened minds, renewed mindset, empowerment, daily motivation & aspiration, correct beliefs and values, updated information, trendy skills, some cash, sound health, beneficial accountable relationships, prudence & efficiency, beyond effectiveness, strong leadership & ultimately the GOD factor, to win.

N1,990, $3, 408 pages

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The Spirit Of the Entrepreneurial Leadership

Wealth is spreading every day and everywhere. Incidentally, many are dumb and not catching theirs; the reason being that they don’t know, have and do what it takes to catch theirs. In this wonderful book, you will get to know; WHY you must get your own share of the wealth, HOW to get your share of the wealth, WHAT those before you know, have and do, WHRE the opportunity lies more, WHEN to dive in and harvest, WHO to go with, in this journey and to have and do them. Life is ‘replicative’ of you know what the successful know, have and do exactly, you will get the same result.

N1,000, $1.50, 260 pages

Limited Stock Available

Start Your Own Bus. Today, Get The Know-How Now!

This is a step-by-step approach to conceiving a business idea, from gestation to birth of a staying enterprise. It’s about sustainable enterprise how-to: develop character, acquire resources, sharpen tools; conceive and incubate business idea; choose market first, then passion and beat fears; organize people and structure; name, locate and register business, get licenses and permits; raise capital and acquire financial skills, write business plans, startup/open office or shop, develop forms; and finally think branding.

This is what this book contains.

N1,500, $2.00, 260 pages

Not Available Now.

Excellence in Business Management

Ask any businessowner, manager his/her challenges. “Assorted”, you’ll get. To some, it is sales, others, it is employees, customer service, customer relationship, customer retention, stock control, managing expenses, cost reduction, record keeping, debt recovery, negotiation, profits recognition, or raising more capital. What of writing feasibility study, viability appraisal, market research, understanding price, promotion, place, insurance needs, market reality, market strategy, discovering business opportunity/forces, industry trends, competitive edge, USP, risk analysis and management of businesses? These and more has been put together here.

N1,500, $1.20, 272  pages

Not Available Now.


Getting Your Dream Job, Vol 1: Preparing for Job Interviews

Two parties; the interviewee and interviewer sit at the opposite sides of the interview hot seats. The interviewer is to defend his/her credibility as a hirer and assess your worthiness. The interviewee is to defend the expectation repose on him/her, prove his/her worthiness to be the prospective employee and ultimately sell himself. The recruiter can rationalize mistakes when they make a wrong choice of recommending a bad candidate, and rarely can forfeit anything.

N600, $1.00, 120 pages

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The Release Of The Lawful Captive

Lawful Captivity is not a curse per se, it is a contract, a bondage, a handover or a trust willfully done by self or in proxy, mostly with the purpose of protection, preservation, and prosperity. It is a dedication of LIFE, PROPERTY, or LAND done ceremoniously or according to terms of appeasement acceptable to both parties of the contract. Satan and his agents never tell their victims the full bet of their transaction until their legs and hands are IN, then such one becomes his lawful captive. Release yourself NOW. Be free.

N900, $1.25, 219 pages

Limited Stock 

Grow This Church and Ministry

When you follow the correct principles of The WORD, your church or ministry grows. Jesus did it. Peter did it. Paul did it. The church in history did so.

Many in our times have followed these principles and secrets, and today have grown their churches and ministries from grace to grace. The WORD is relevant and timely all the time. When you become and do it, people will follow you. 

It is a must-read.

 N600, $1.00, 90 pages

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Leadership Is Everything

Leaders cause all troubles, and leaders solve all. Everything points to the leader’s disposition – weak or strong, careless or carefree, know-how and determination, etc. Leadership is everything, but everything is not leadership; this should not be difficult to comprehend. We only need to practice leadership motivation, concepts, principles, applications, factors, models, styles, tasks, competencies, qualities, self-disciplines, use the platforms, ‘goodly’ attitudes and avoid leadership errors and diseases, and then build excellence. Leaders develop, serve, move, create, reproduce, etc. – leaders are the heartfelt cry of humanity in attaining their potentials.

N2,000, $2.30, 310 pages

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57 Winning Habits for Excellence in 21st C.

It’s a world of paradox, automation, globalization & techie. The world is complicated and quite large, yet too small. It is different from what some tell you, but info explosion via techie is opening up new vistas of opportunities that can at present change the way we look at work, life & career, in fact, at everything about you & I. At last, we have achieved a Golden Age, where everyone especially YOU are finally allowed the opportunity to fulfil his/her destiny, & I’m not wasting another hour not pursuing mine. What of you? See you succeeding in this 21st century because we all that are adults will quit active life this 21st century.

N500, $1.00, 72 pages

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Equipping Leaders to Lead

Everything roots, rises, stabilizes, saturates and fall on leadership. Leadership exists for excellence, growth, future and hope. When your leaders are equipped, you lead sweat-less life, you achieve results glidingly –  effortlessly, they serve and increase comers, they cease from being quack leaders. When your leaders are not trained they are at best quack leaders just as you have quack doctors, quack engineers. Substantive leaders should always endeavour to train other leaders as this is the greatest duty of a leader – developing other leaders.

This book is a Must read.

N1,000, $1.10, 242 pages

Stock Available.

Principles & Practices of Pascal Programming

This book is written for aspiring programmers in Pascal and Object-Oriented Pascal in Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and Universities, programming institutions and the interested in diaspora. It is written to equip them to be specialist maybe experts in Pascal P/L. It is also a first programming textbook for new students and non-programmers who want to come into programming. It illustrates for learning; general and structured programming, graphical user interface and object-oriented programming.

N1,500, $2.00, 264 pages

Stock Available 


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