Peace Building: finding meanings of peaceful existence and outward manifestations of a peaceful lifestyle according to one’s beliefs and lifestyle, there are some basics underpinning living in peace that cannot be discounted, such as being non-violent, being tolerant, holding moderate views, and celebrating wondrous life. ADR.
ADR, Alternative Dispute Resolution, is a set of mechanisms a person or society uses to resolve disputes without resorting to costly adversarial litigation. It’s a collective term for the ways that parties can settle disputes, with or without the help of a third party, such as arbitration, mediation, conciliation, negotiation, and peacemaking.

Arbitration ADR, alternative, or substitute for litigation, in that its award [outcome] is 100% binding as a verdict, overseen by a neutral third-party pro-arbitrator who facilitates communication in which disputants agree to submit evidence and arguments.

Mediation ADR form where we, as a neutral third party, known as a mediator, help individuals or parties in conflict reach a mutually acceptable agreement by finding points of agreement and making disputants to agree on a fair result—common ground without resorting to litigation.

Conciliation ADR form and a process whereby parties in disputes have a professional conciliator who meets with both parties both separately and together in resolving the conflicts. Conciliation also involves the conciliation and reconciliation of parties involved in disputes.

...a strategic meeting intended to resolve a dispute in a way both parties find acceptable middle ground. It involves give and take, meaning that parties will usually need to make concessions. It also involves identifying the interests of each party and negotiating based on them.

Crisis Mgt the identification of threats to an organisation and its stakeholders in order to mount an effective response to mitigate them. Crisis management is a strategy of anticipating crises at the political, institutional, and corporate levels and planning to deal with them effectively.

PeaceMakin' very practical conflict transformation into an equitable power relationship buoyant or robust enough to forestall future conflict. Peacemaking seeks to achieve full reconciliation among adversaries and foster new mutual understanding among parties and stakeholders.
A team of peacemakers and peace builders using the whole tools of peaceful settlements via Alternative Disputes Resolutions, ADR.
...we can do for you
...we can undertake for you
...we do represent as agreed.
feel the message on right & Submit.
… these areas cut across our regular peace-building and peace-making activities using our broad six [6] pillars.
- Commercial/Investment
- Labour/Union
- Technology
- Manufacturing
- Estate/Property
- Community/Familly
- Governance/Leadership
- Goin' Between
- Brin'g Parties Together
- Brin'g Ceasefire
- Employment
- Labour
- Commercial
- Family
- Community
- International
- Consumer
- Distributive
- Integrative
- Zero-Sum Game
- Win-win Gambit
- Cooperative Neg.
- Adversarial Ploy
- Compromise
Crisis Management
- Natural Disaster
- Technology
- Confrontational
- Malevolence
- Org'l Misdeeds
- Workplace Violence
Peace Making
- Negative Peace
- Positive Peace
- Grievances Handling
- Cultural Peace
- Structural Peace
- Inner Peace

…you can be rest assured of your peace.





Peacebuilding, Peacemaking, ADR Professional Services …

Offers services in:
Training & Capacity Development
Discipline & Grievance Handling
To Clients as;
NGOs & Charities,
Traditional Institutions,
International Agencies/Foundations
Corporate Workplaces,
Churches and Ministries,
Institutions of Learnings
Unions, Clubs, & Associations
Thro Instruments of;
Crisis Management
Peacebuilding and Peacemaking
Do you know?
PeaceBuilding & PeaceMaking Consults team is known for their dedication to achieving the desired results on behalf of their clients as fast and effectively as possible. They can develop or train your people's capacity to foster and make peace.

Hear it out loud From Our Clients