leadership capital

Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Motivational  Pillars Our Mission Rolls On

mis leadership

Leadership is the most invested human endeavour. Most books and publications have been made on leadership than others sector. Search Google on areas like economy, agriculture, etc., alongside 'leadership' to confirm. Unfortunately, the least on Return On Investment, ROI comes from leadership compared to others.

mis entrepreneurship

Many wish to get to the least comfort if not a millionaire status , but they don't know what to do, how to start or manage going about it. There are many ways to make a million 'bucks', 'bread', 'ego', 'kudu', 'iwai', naira, but let us restrict ourselves to achieving such goal by following the entrepreneurial, investments, skills acquisition and employments [career]. 

mis motivational

Society abounds with people who are inwardly afraid, recoil from life, suffer from a sense of inadequacies and insecurity, doubting their powers. Deep inside, such feels he/she is at the end of the line - quarreling with the past, burdened with a lot of unanswered questions, blaming everybody except self, bothering on present, yet afraid to leap into the future, etc.



… Few years ago an amazing book hits the bookshop.


Why on earth was such an amazing book?



…despite investment being made on leadership…


…there’s dearth or terrible shortage of true leadership across the globe, and the worst of the cases are in the developing clime like mine.

Some Sectors Our Mission Serves…


The political office, or government, is a platform for dispensing leadership and delivering good governance. The world is traumatised today because of the failure of political actors to express leadership. When we fix politics and politicians, our government will produce good governance.


We assert that God called us to model first and more than to preach. Not getting this is an error! Again, God is foremost described as a leader before His other attributes. Lack of leadership capacity is the #1 reason ministries and churches don’t grow to their purpose, not their quality of preaching.


Leadership begins with personal leadership. In fact, essence #1 of leadership is for me to lead me, you to lead you, and he to lead him. When this know-how and capacity fail, leading another person fails. It is misery to lead others without leading themselves first. Develop and lead you first before others.

mis corporates


Mike is an organisation expert, management pundit, and entrepreneurial sage, far better heard than advertised; he believes, teaches, and presses organisations to go beyond effectiveness to greatness.

mis unions


Don’t hug yourself yet if you’ve not led political parties, pressure groups, trade unions, alumni, clubs, or associations where joining is voluntary and leadership is interest- and pressure-based.

mis youth


Mike speaks with an uncommon touch of excellence to youths in schools, work, and the diaspora; business and career women and mothers; and men and fathers. Get him to speak for your constituency, church, youths, and women at the August meeting.

Thinking of Mission

Individual or Corporate…

Key Note Speakers?

Inspirational Speakers?

Motivational Speakers?