Ministry Leadership

why Ministry Leadership?

It's Ministry

GOD calls us to lead. He built his redemption plan around true leadership from creation, Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, GOD… ” and will end after Revelation 22 as a leader. Because church / ministry people think that because they speak and build people spiritually, most presume knowing-it-all hence not to bother about leadership development. 
why Ministry Leadership?

It's Unique

The challenge of true leadership is badly experienced in ministry and church settings than other structured organizations. This could be the ‘voluntary joining nature’ and ‘open persuasive convictions’ of the ministries / churches. You neither can sanction the erring persons by salaries and allowances nor use basic qualification of who becomes a leader.
  • Ministry Leadership Development
  • Growth Management
  • Discipline & Grievances Handling
  • Mentoring & Coaching 



"every scantily attended church have leaders and Pastors who MAY love members only, but not people. that's error." - Mike Ihezuo


take a closer look

not meeting people's needs in your church could be reasons not many people are attending or retaining your church.



  1. Growth responds to principles.

  2. When you do the right thing, the proof will show it.

  3. Growth, expansion, enlargement, increase are evidences of right actions.

  4. When you discover the reasons the first 10-20 members attend your Church or Ministry, you can build on it to grow without digressing.

  5. You can diversify a little but not much diversion or digression

  6. When you refuse to grow, you are in for extinction, moribund and death.

  7. Growth is not an option, but a compelling choice.

  8. The law of growth as it applies to ministry/church is parallel to that of life and business

  9. ‘No to growth’ is a self-inflicted wickedness and defeat because every creation was created with growth in view

  10. Your organization and any other don’t have any permanent loyalist or member.

  11. When you refuse to grow, your members including you will join other growing organization and ground. Nobody likes infertile ground.

  12. Growth is a sign that we live in a competitive and complementing world at same time, yet we cannot exhaust the resources of the earth

  13. When you start doing the vision GOD gives you, so many who join other ‘wrong’ visions will return to you, so, seek to get HIS vision for you.

13 Avoidable Mistakes Ministry Leaders Must Avoid & their Remedies.

Why a Christian MUST Belong to & Participate fully in a Local Church Assembly.

5 Soul Foes That Hurt Your Local Church Assembly Adversely Mostly Unknown to you.

When Leaders Serve, Increase, Enlargement, Expansion, & Growth Come.

Peace is one of the most scarce commodities on earth, whether it be inner peace or peace between one to another. Every part of the world – countries, states, clans, and families are traceable to one “peaceless” condition or the other. That’s no wonder because Peace Himself, God of Peace says, “There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.” [Isaiah 48:22, 57:21], and the same Holy Script says, “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” [1 John 5:19], “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12] and “Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.” [Psalm 74:20].

…read full…

Reasons People May Like to Keep Their Membership of Your Ministry

1. Solutions to Problems Miracles

2. Spirit of Excellence & Orderliness   

3. The Person of the Man of God

[his charism, relationship with and likeness for]  

4. The Word [depth, delivery, and relevant]

5. Worship, Songs, Music, Praise and Testimony   

6. Care & Love         

7. Environment [class & catchment population]  

8. Location [proximity to residence/workplace] 

9. Tradition/History, Church of birth/marriage

10. Membership Population [big, or small] 

11. Ministry Name [sweet, message-driven]

12. Evangelistic/Follow-up zeal & Commitments  

13. Prayer Life/Praying Ministry 

14. Top Personality, Boss, Guardian/Parent.






Take these reasons serious.

None is simple or unimportant to be ignored.

Having Sufficient Affinity Groups as these are Helpful; 

  • Young Couples fellowship
  • Older Couples fellowship
  • Teenager fellowship
  • Children fellowship
  • About to Marry [Singles] fellowship
  • Single Parent fellowship
  • Divorced & Divorcee fellowship
  • Widows & Widowers fellowship
  • Hope for Separated fellowship
  • Youth in Schools fellowship
  • Youth in Diaspora fellowship
  • Careerists & Job Seekers fellowship
  • Men fellowship &
  • Women fellowships
no committment
explosive growth
reasons comers come
undeveloped leaders

Necessary Service Departments as these are great enablers;

  • Technical [Electrical]
  • Technical [Plumbing]
  • Technical [Civil]
  • Multimedia/Audiovisual Studio
  • Ushers
  • Greeters
  • Traffic
  • Crowd Control
  • Environmental & Maintenance
  • Sanitation & Beautification
  • Choir/Worship Team
  • Protocol
  • Security
  • Prayer
  • Pastorates
  • Children Ministry
  • Counseling
  • Welfare/Care,
  • Marriage Council,
  • Disciplinary Council,
  • Evangelism
  • Visitation/Fellow-up.

be part of our ministry endeavour to help ministers & Pastors.
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Why i wrote this Book

Why i wrote this Book

have a program on -
leadership development

spring Up O Well
MIS Min. Leadership

this is ministries to:
ministries & churches

ministry leadership talks


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