How Can We

Meet Mike Live?

The essence of leadership, entrepreneurial, and motivational development is for you to develop the capacity to lead yourself, then lead others, be motivated, and succeed as entrepreneurs.

Discovering I’m called to lead, develop and impact leaders to lead is one of my greatest discoveries; it’s a discovery of purpose and a tool for fulfillment. Since that discovery in 2006, I have exerted and exercised my Time, Energy, Resources, and Money to discover purpose, then live, share, and communicate purpose. It challenges me to invest in things, people, and myself to help people, organizations, institutions, ministries, unions, clubs, associations, and governments find their places in destinies, life, careers, and businesses.

Our world is traumatized by poor leadership challenges, not addressing leadership’s needs adequately can deny billions on earth their places in destinies. Leaders take people to the future [destination, destiny], give hope, etc., and make everything happen.

Corporate collapse, institutional breakdown, nation failures, bad governance, maladministration, ministry disorder, etc., all point to leadership failure. Such leads me to conclude that;

  • All leadership failure is manmade
  • There’s no problem anywhere [economy, education, etc.] than leadership.
  • All problems stem from leaders’ carefreeness, carelessness, actions, or inactions.
  • Leaders cause all troubles and can solve them any day they mean it. 

When we straighten leadership, we’ve succeeded in straightening every sector.

How Do We Get Mike to Speak to Us?


Can We Meet Mike Live one-on-one?


What of Accessing Mike’s Mentorship?

Mike appears in several events/engagements.

Check out most convenient way for you to

Meet Mike Live;

perhaps for…

  1. Leadership Dedication/Impartation Session
  2. Talk/Lecture/Seminar/Workshop
  3. Keynote/Motivational Speaking
  4. Consulting/Research
  5. Partnering/Collaboration
  6. Conferences / Conventions
  7. Mentorship Program
  8. Idea Incubation

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