
Small Medium Enterprise

Personal Finance

Business Ownership

Investment / Retirement

Skills Acquisition

"it is not your fault to be poor, but it is your fault to relax in poverty and to be broke."

“there is something better than good organization, and better than effective organization.

That thing is GREAT organization.”

Transit from effective or good to GREAT organization.

start something today, Get The Know-how Now!

We believe when people or employees are motivated and inspired by people like Mike, they discover that profitability and productivity are not just in the Management theory of 20th century. In 21st century, work has a different meaning and to get the best out of work, employers or management should know that real success lies in employee’s self-discovery, self-development, self-awareness and proper understanding of work. They need motivated to find direction, energize their enthusiasm cum passion and so forth. This is what we speaks among directors, managers and staff of organization, thereby doubling their profitability in 6 months to say the least.


Ask any business owner or manager his/her greatest challenge[s]. You’ll hear “assorted” or gamut of things like Sales, Employees Challenges, Customers Services & Retention, Debts Recovery, Cost Reduction, Supplies and Purchases, Recognition of profits, Business plans, Promotions, Distributions, USP, etc. This book addresses those gamut of what the SME need to effectively and excellently do to get results in management of her business.

Know, Have & Do what It Takes to Win

If you KNOW what the entrepreneurial leaders know, HAVE what they have and DO what they do, you will have the same results they have. Life is replicative. That’s part of the reasons we go to school. This the nucleolus of this wonderful book: looking at the lives, knowhows, haves [mind, attitude, character, time and resources] and what they did to achieve success. Everyone of us can achieve such if we mean it.


Plan for rainy day. Make haste while the sun shines. Old age is coming. Develop and maintain Personal Finance System, PFS.


Micro Small Medium Enterprise, MSME is the way to go in addition to others means e.g., employment, investment, etc.


Want to empower your constituency, ward, group, family, group on Skills and business mindset development? Engage us.


Thinking of how to make your money work for you for life instead of you working endlessly for your money? Talk to us.

business ownership

You need to create wealth not only for you but for others. Employ others. Own businesses. Interested? Click the Image.

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Business Plans Writing, Evaluation & Asessment

We write, evaluate and assess Business Plans for individuals, businesses and corporate bodies intending to sponsor individuals for business startups, expansions and product launch. And more >>>.

Seminars & Talks

Sponsor Seminars and Talks, and also be a lead seminar leader and speaker on subjects of interest, especially leadership, Entrepreneurship, management, and Success Motivations. And more >>>

Sponsored Mentorship Talk

Undertakes self sponsored mentoring of people and corporate sponsorship of mentees. Mike Ihezuo Mentorship Programs comes regularly on monthly, sometimes quarterly basis.

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Retirement Prep

Preparing for Retirement for senior citizens about to retire has become economically and socially imperative. We advise on retirement planning, preparing for a rainy day, etc. And More >>>


Business Schools

Business Schools trains business startups to start up and to manage on going concern in partnership with our key partner Proctles Consulting in their centre, client's or specialiy arranhed venue. Also advises as buisness clinician.

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Business Development

Develop businesses and products, develop and incubate ideas, and coach and mentor startups and entrepreneurs. Conduct market research, feasibility studies, and viability appraisals. And More>>>

Skills Acquisitions

Angel investors engaged sponsorship of Skill Acquisitions in economic trending skills especially ICT, Agriculture, Agro Processing, Manufacturing, etc. We become a rallying point.

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Career Plan/Interviews Prep

For the employed, career growth is what a career holder can work out. Growth is planned. A career plan starts with preparing for job interviews, grabbing, growing, and job switching—becoming an MVP. And More >>>